Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Scott Gibb

I appreciate the specificity of this list extrapolated from the ideas in the book. I would add: accepting unlimited immigration and calling anyone who disagrees racist while black and latino (themselves immigrants) people pay the price of depressed wages and rapid change in their communities along with resource diversion to house and integrate those immigrants, not caring that people might not want such a rapid influx of people for whom their community don't have resources.

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Thank you. I had a similar one on my list, but deleted it. It went like this. “Espousing open borders while living in an affluent New England town 1800 miles from the U.S.-Mexican border.”

I like yours better though. It’s more personal and sympathetic to the viewpoint of Americans who feel threatened by immigrants.

And to be honest, I should actually try to state what my preferred immigration policy is, especially before I start posting critical things about others’ immigration views.

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Apr 6Liked by Scott Gibb

"Decolonizing" history, literature, art, etc.

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