Makes me think about Russ Roberts’ argument about the modern economy and feeling rooted to place. When where you live is dictated only by what the market rewards rather than an emotional connection I’m sure it feels more like a capitalist hellscape. I feel like I’m in a unique position— I went to a great private school so feel like part of some kind of ‘elite’ but live in a small ruralish town (and am currently working here on a gap year). I am deeply connected to the literal land around me. I hope I can find somewhere when I’m older that feels as meaningful but know that this place will always exist

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Yes, for a few years while living in Silicon Valley I would discuss this Russ Roberts’ perspective on place vs career. That was a big deal to me since I had followed the career track and was skeptical that I had taken the best path for myself. I hope you find somewhere meaningful and possibly longterm. Thanks for your excellent comment Kaitlin. I wrote up another post on this topic this morning, slightly different topic, about not knowing what we’re getting into, but it’s sitting in the draft folder. Not quite ready or maybe never will see the light of day. Are you a runner or biker or both?

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That piece sounds interesting! Like the vampire problem Russ always talks about?

I do both but am a stronger runner. Finally got an 18 miler on trails today, it’s been so snowy! You?

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Yes, the vampire problem. Thank you for that reminder. You know your Econtalk.

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That’s some serious distance! I don’t think I’ve ever run that far on my own (without a partner, group or race). You did that solo? I swim, bike and run, but rarely combine them. Lately I’ve been walking 7-10 miles a day on a treadmill a few times a week while reading. It’s the best way for me to get reading done.

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Yeah, sadly don't have many long run buddies right now... I'm training for a couple summer marathons and really find value in that solo time to think and process.

That's a brilliant way to get two things done at once!! I love riding a stationary bike in the mornings and reading all the substacks and such I subscribe to. But dang that's a lot of time to get that many miles done at a walk!

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